Manufacturing & Agriculture Fleet Management Industry Solutions

Holman manages nearly 200,000 fleet vehicles across a wide range of manufacturing, processing, and agricultural operations. We have the experience and industry expertise to help your organization reach its potential.

Vehicles for Whatever the Job Demands

Whether you’re hauling food, beverages, paper, pharmaceuticals, building materials, machinery, or consumer goods, Holman can outfit your fleet with the vehicles and equipment you need to deliver value to your customers. We’ll help you spec sales, delivery, and service vehicles that are tough enough for whatever you throw at them, and deliver them on time and on budget. Our experts will guide you through acquisition and remarketing planning, including replacement cycling, so you can feel confident that your investment is working for you.


Optimize Your Entire Agriculture Fleet Management Operation

With decades of experience managing vehicles across a wide range of sectors, Holman has the agricultural fleet management expertise to ensure you’re getting the most out of your fleet investment. Our technology solutions, including telematics, make it easy to navigate driver behavior and asset and operating cost data, so you can identify best practice opportunities with guidance from our experts.

Your company has unique needs. Our experts can help.

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Side picture of Holman trucks

Fleet Management

Transform your fleet from an operational necessity into one of your most valuable assets.

Man adjusting a tape on top of the truck

Vehicle Upfitting

We design, manufacture, and install vehicle equipment for every kind of fleet.

Man adjusting radio in the van

Insurance & Risk Management

Determine the right level of insurance and the right kinds of coverage for your unique business.