Technology & Connectivity

Technology, data, reporting in one place for you to manage your entire EV fleet.

EV Connectivity

Monitoring your vehicle data is key to managing your EV assets. Our EV Connectivity solution allows you to oversee all of your electric vehicles’ data easily.

You’ll view real-time vehicle data permitting you to manage charging behaviors and monitor actual charging locations in one place. This technology provides attributes such as geo-location, state of charge, and charging session data which are critical to the success of your operation. Diagnostic trouble codes provide vision into all trouble codes associated with the vehicle, including EV-only related codes.

Harnessing your Geo-Location Data

The benefit of geo-location is the ability to recognize your vehicle’s location to its intended destination, and its proximity to charging depots. Charge location is essential in the reimbursement program and your data analytics.

Optimizing Electric Vehicle Battery Life

The state of charge, or the percentage life of your battery, is a vital piece of the technology that is visible to both the driver and the fleet manager. This is valuable information when determining what vehicles should be assigned due to battery life or charging needs.

How Charging Session Data Fuels Your EV Analysis

As you transition your fleet from ICE, a critical learning step is the fueling transactions for electric vehicles. This is the total kWh, Start/Stop time, and Geo-Location. Your charging session data is critical for the reimbursement program and other utilization analyses.

    Fleet Electrification

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    Knowing what to do next can be challenging. Understanding what others are asking can help bridge the gap and make the best decisions for your fleet.

    • How does EV Connectivity work?

      EV Connectivity uses a telematics connection of your EV fleet vehicles. The device collects data on the vehicle’s battery health and charging status. This data is then sent to Holman’s servers, where it is stored and analyzed.

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    • What is EV Connectivity?

      An essential tool for managing your EV fleet. As the popularity of electric vehicles grows, so does the need for EV fleet management and visibility into the data vehicles generate. EV Connectivity is a new program from Holman that provides vehicle data to allow you to manage EV fleets successfully.

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