Captive & Alternative Risk Financing

Holman’s policies offer tailored solutions for businesses looking to self-insure.

Holman Captive Solutions

Our Captive Management Program builds your individual program from the ground up. We provide a safety net for the long-term sustainability of your business. Holman’s specialists consult with you to find the right fit, including Captive Management, Captive Visibility Analysis, Formation and Licensing, and Maintenance and Measurement.

Tailored Services Guided by Experts

At Holman, we understand that the success of your business depends on more than just a one-size-fits-all approach. By taking the time to understand your unique needs, we ensure that your Captive Management Program is tailored to your current circumstances and adaptable to future changes.

By taking the time to understand your unique needs, we ensure that your Captive Management Program is tailored to your current circumstances and adaptable to future changes. This will enable you to make well-informed choices that align with your organizational goals, risk tolerance, and broader business strategies.

Elevate Your Sustainability

Choosing Holman means choosing a strategic partner dedicated to safeguarding the long-term sustainability of your business. Take the first step toward the future for your business, and learn more about our programs today.



    Holman Insurance

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    • How does Alternative Risk Insurance differ from traditional insurance solutions?

      Alternative Risk Insurance explores innovative approaches beyond traditional methods. Holman Insurance delves into risk management programs, group captives, and other alternatives to provide clients with comprehensive and customizable insurance solutions.

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    • What are Captive Insurance Solutions, and what advantages do they offer?

      Captive Insurance Solutions involve creating a specialized insurance company to cover the risks of a specific group or organization. The advantages of Captive Insurance include tailored coverage, cost control, improved risk management, and the ability to capture underwriting profits.

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