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Guarding Against Home Fires

guarding against home fires blog

The threat of fire in the home is something to be cautious of, and prioritizing prevention is vital for protecting the well-being of your loved ones and property.


What are the best ways to minimize that risk? There are preventive measures in critical areas of your home to consider. A quick check of your house and communication with your family are essential steps to ensure your safety.


Kitchen Safety

Where else would you want to start than the room where most fires originate in the home? Some basic and quick checks can make all the difference for you.

  • Stay in the kitchen while frying, grilling, or broiling, and turn off the stove if you leave briefly.
  • It seems obvious, but avoid cooking when under the influence of alcohol, tired from medication, or just sleepy in general.
  • Create a “kid-free zone” around the stove to keep children safe.
  • And remember the outdoor grill – maintain safe distances for grills to prevent siding or deck fires.

Portable Space Heaters

Next to a fireplace, a portable space heater may be the next best thing when toasting up a chilly room on those winter nights. But proper usage of portable heaters is crucial for safety. While they may make you feel warm and nestled, they also come with plenty of dangers to be aware of.

  • Keep combustible items at least 3 feet away from heaters.
  • Choose heaters evaluated by recognized laboratories with safety features like automatic shutoff.
  • Check local regulations for kerosene heater use.
  • Use clear K-1 kerosene in well-ventilated rooms, and never overfill.

Fireplaces and Woodstoves

Speaking of those fireplaces and woodstoves, can you feel the heat warming you up? Add a cup of hot chocolate, and you’re all set for a snug winter’s night. But before settling in, do your homework first to ensure your home is set up properly to avoid catastrophic results.

  • Maintain your heating sources for safety.
  • Regularly inspect and clean chimneys and woodstove pipes.
  • Avoid burning trash, paper, or green wood.
  • Use a suitable fireplace screen to prevent sparks.
  • Ensure fires are fully extinguished before leaving or going to bed, and store ashes safely outside.

Child Safety

Implement educational programs to instruct children on essential fire safety practices, foster awareness, and equip them with the knowledge and skills necessary to prevent and respond to potential fire hazards.

  • Teach children that fire is a tool, not a toy.
  • Store matches and lighters out of reach and sight, preferably in a locked cabinet.
  • Instruct them to notify an adult if they find matches or lighters.
  • Never leave children unattended near stoves or burning candles.


Electrical and Appliance Safety

Individuals can significantly reduce the risk of accidents, fires, and injuries in both residential and commercial settings by prioritizing electrical and appliance safety measures.

  • Prevent electrical fires with these precautions:
  • Replace frayed wires immediately.
  • Purchase electrical products evaluated by recognized laboratories.
  • Use three-prong plugs only in three-slot outlets.
  • Avoid overloading extension cords or wall sockets.

By implementing these fire prevention measures in your home, you can significantly reduce the risk of fires and create a safer living environment for you and your family. Stay informed, stay vigilant, and prioritize safety in every aspect of your daily life.


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